ultraviolet detector

ultraviolet  detectorultraviolet detector
  1. Study on main specifications of ultraviolet detector of HPLC and their test methods


  2. An ultraviolet detector with 300 nm was used .


  3. The Research of WSZ Extreme Ultraviolet Detector and the Data Acquisition Circuits


  4. The radial compression C 18 column and ultraviolet detector were applied to determination without extraction .


  5. The Development of Pt / CdS Schottky Barrier Ultraviolet Detector


  6. Determination of 1-Hydroxypyrene in Urine by HPLC With Ultraviolet Detector


  7. Separation of saccharide compounds by RP-HPLC with ultraviolet detector


  8. Finally , the resent developments of the ultraviolet detector , especially the ultraviolet FPA , are introduced .


  9. Silicon photodiode vacuum ultraviolet detector


  10. Compares with the evaporation light scattering detector , because the ultraviolet detector the sensitivity is higher than the peak to be many .


  11. Fabrication and Characterization of Backside-illuminated GaN / AlGaN p-i-n Ultraviolet Detector


  12. The neutral coated capillary and 4 % linear polyacrylamide gel buffer were used , and the wave length of ultraviolet detector was 254 nm .


  13. A method for determination of iodide in seawater by high performance anion exchange chromatography with ultraviolet detector ( HPAEC-UV ) in basic system has been established .


  14. ZnO-based semiconductor optoelectronic devices include ultraviolet detector , light emitting diodes ( LEDs ) and laser diodes ( LDs ), etc.


  15. A high performance liquid chromatographic ( HPLC ) method using ultraviolet detector ( 210nm ) for simultaneous determination of 5 carbamate insecticides in milk has been developed .


  16. Studied the obtaining of Schottky barrier about Pt / CdS contact and ohm contact about In / CdS , and made ultraviolet detector on it .


  17. The optoelectronic devices of ultraviolet detector , transducers , short-wavelength light emitting and laser diode etc , have extensive application in optical communication , optical memory , display etc.


  18. Nanocrystalline TiO2 film , with advantages of simple process , stable physical and chemical properties , large surface area , high photoelectric activity , is a ideal material for making low cost ultraviolet detector with high sensitivity .


  19. A novel method , ultrasound-assisted dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction coupled with HPLC equipped with fluorescence or ultraviolet detector , was developed for the determination of trace bisphenol A in sediments .


  20. Dissolved the samples by methanol , with diethyl phthalate as internal standard , the content of diniconazole is separated and determined by means of Liquid Chromatography under high pressure on the ODS column and ultraviolet detector .


  21. This paper introduced the principles of optical rotatory dispersion ( ORD ) and circular dichroism ( CD ) chiral detectors , and also discussed the relationship between ORD , CD and ultraviolet detector ( UV ) .


  22. A rapid RP-HPLC method for the analysis of ribostamycin and impurity neamine using 3,5-dinitrobenzoyl chloride ( DNBCL ) pre-column derivatization was established . A diode array ultraviolet detector at 230 nm was used for detection .


  23. The development and application of domestic and international ultraviolet detector is analyzed at first in this article . By comparing for its performance and cost and combining the ultraviolet detector research status and demand of our country , an image intensified type of CCD detector-ICCD is designed .


  24. The method for determining Polymyxin E_1 and E_2 in Polymyxin E sulfate by High-performance Liquid Chromatography with ultraviolet detector and 23 % acetonitrile in phosphoric acid buffer as mobile phase and Radial-Pak C_ ( 18 ) Column is reported .


  25. The cheap , reliable ultraviolet detector becomes a research hotspot with the development of the ultraviolet detect technology , especially for the ultraviolet detector which is worked at the solar blind range whose wave length is in 240 ~ 280nm at the surface of the earth .


  26. Method The column was packed with ODS , using ethyl parahydroxybenzoate as internal standard . The mobile phase was a mixture of 0.2 % ammonium carbonate-acetonitrile-tetrahydrofuran ( 42 ∶ 39 ∶ 19 ) . Chromatography was performed with ultraviolet detector at 238 nm .


  27. Research on Response Time Test System for Ultraviolet Fire Detector


  28. The Design and Application of Width Wavelength Solar Ultraviolet Radiation Detector


  29. Design and Construction of a Large - bandwidth Ultraviolet Absorption Detector for Thin Cell


  30. Evaluation of efficacy of Ultraviolet Photometric Detector in monitoring infections
